Hi my name is Ellis. I am 4. My mom is going to help me write this. We are at Guatemala. My favourite thing so far is going up the volcano on the horse.
I go to school here. I color, learn Spanish and eat snack. Elias is in my class and there are other kids too that I don’t know their name. They all wear the same outfit. They wear black shorts, shoes and a white shirt. They speak Spanish. My teacher’s name is Miss Sessy. The kids in my class are nice and the teacher is nice. I go school for a long time but I come home for lunch and stay home the rest of the day.

www.deepstreamguatemala.com to read more on the family's work in Guatemala)
We really liked them and they had 5 kids for us to play with. When we were walking through the neighbourhoods we rode crushed plastic pop bottles down the hill.

We went to get Winnie an outfit. (A traditional Mayan outfit that all the Mayan women and girls wear here)
Today we went to a cooking class at my Mom’s school. We made Torrejas, they are kind of like cream filled donuts. I had fun cooking and even more fun eating!
I like it here. I miss my friends though. I like sleeping with Elias.